Alarms & Security
Proximity alarm
Electronic lock
Electronic door codelock (PIC16F84)
Moisture alarm
Fridge door alarm
Ultrasonic remote control & alarm system
Wire loop alarm
Digital entry lock
Proximity switch
Toxic Gas Detector
Door knob alarm (PDF)
Water seepage alarm (PDF)
Micro-power over temperature alarm (PDF)
Personal silent alarm system
Active IR motion detector
A Basic RF Transmitter for PIR Sensors
PIR motion detector
Simple alarm system
Automatic door opener using PIC12C508
Home security project
5 Zone alarm circuit
Miniature loop alarm
Novel Buzzer
Gate alarm circuit
Modular Burglar Alarm
Motorcycle alarm
Enhanced 5 Digit Alarm Keypad
Enhanced 4 Digit Alarm Keypad
RF Alarm
Single Zone Alarm
Water Activated Alarm
Water level alarm
Perimeter monitor
Digital combination lock
Alarm control keypad
Almost Ultrasonic Motion Sensor
Touch activated alarm system
Combination Lock (PIC16F84)
Low power RFID transponder
Electronic auto stethoscope
Turn signal alarm
Motorcycle turn-signal system
Cigarette lighter 9V adaptor
Analog Tachometer for Gasoline Engines
Headlight on reminder with Light
Adaptive Windscreen Wiper Control
Car clock
Car message display
Car interval wiper
Safety indicator light
Speed limit alert
Grand Cherokee Off-Highway Lights
Engine control unit schematics
Portable CD Player Adapter For Car
Car battery charger
Wireless Auto Tachometer
Alternator Signal Detector
Automotive alarm system
Road ice alarm
Automotive Anti-Lock Brake Control Driver
Headlight reminder
Breath Alcohol Tester controlling a car ignition system
Simple car battery charger
Parking sonar
Fuel injector pulse width monitor
BMW R Series Motorcycle Regulator Schematic
80188XL Engine Tachometer
Integrate Fuel Pump Wire Security Cut Off with a Turbo Timer
Simple Car Preamplifier and Artificial Earth
FCD (Fuel Cut Defencer)
Interface between GM's 5 Volt 8192 baud ALDL data stream and a PC serial port
5301 wideband fuel mixture display
Wide Band Fuel Mixture Display
3rd brake light
12V to 9V car coverter
Car Nicad charger
Combination lock for car liftgate
BMW motorcycle side stand protection mod
Big 7-segment LED display board with SPI interface
LED Flasher
LED pulser with audible output
IR Illuminator
Flashing Christmas LED display
ICL7660 LED flasher
LM3909 replacement using discrete components
Color fade
LEDs shimmer randomly as though on fire
LED power supplies for AA cells
1.5 Volt LED Flashers
AC Line Powered LEDs
Astable Multivibrator
9 Second Digital Readout Timer
9 Second LED Relay Timer
16 Stage Bi-Directional LED Sequencer, other sequencer and flaser circuits
10 Stage LED Sequencer
28 LED Clock Timer
Fading Red Eyes
Two Transistor LED Flasher
16 Stage Bi-Directional LED Sequencer
Expandable 16 Stage LED Sequencer
LED Photo Sensor Circuit
LED chaser
7 Segment LED Counter
7 by 10 LED Moving Sign ( 27C512 EPROM)
Sequencial LED Flasher with Reversable Direction
Tri Color LED Controller with Serial Interface
1.5V LED flasher B (PDF)
Low current LED flasher (PDF)
1.5V LED flasher A (PDF)
Flashing LED advertising badge (PDF)
Flashing LED advertising badge (PDF)
Pulsed LED test circuit (PDF)
Low battery voltage flasher (PDF)
Adjustable flashing LED
PWM white LED drivers
Heart of LEDs
Christmas Star
Christmas tree
LED Counter
PIC16F84 LED chaser
PIC16F84 LED signboard
PIC16F84 LED signboard 2
White LED circuits
Assorted LED circuits
LED Mood Light
LED Audio VU Meter
Robot Beacon rotating light using PIC12C508
LM3909 LED flasher
Animated LED signboard (PIC16C84)
Picxie 2 - 8x8 Animated LED Signboard
Radio Frequency
UHF oscillator
Economoy short-wave radio
Linearized RF detector
Two-band radio
Shortwave conveter for scanners
FM Bug
AM Radio
Toroidal coil RF shortwave receiver
Crystal radio
CW RECEIVER 40/80 meter CW receiver
TRF AM Receiver circuit
WLW 500KW Transmitter Schematic
AM-Receiver for Aircraft communication (118.250MHz)
AM receiver for aircraft communications
45-860MHz Radio receiver based on UV916-tuner
80 Meter CW ARDF receiver
Four channel RF remote control
CW zero beat indicator (PDF)
Build your own VLF Receiver
Receiver building blocks
Simple wireless radio data link
RX3302 receiver module schematic
Superregenerative 27MHz receiver
49MHz walkie-talkie
Convert 2m VHF FM PMR transceiver Motorola Radius M110 into an amateur radio
Vibrating pocket bug detector
2MHz RF Oscillator
50-150MHz Overtone Oscillator
Simple Op-Amp Radio
UHF - 100W Transistorized amplifier
50MHz Converter
RF front-end for triple conversion GPS receiver
2M - 20M transverter
Improved CMOS RF PLL sythesizer
Harmonic oscillator
Direction finder system
One transistor regenerative receiver
Synthesized HF receiver
TBA120 narrowband FM receiver
TDA7000 receiver
ZN414 receivers
10W HF linear amplifier
500W HF linear amplifier
3W HF QRP linear amplifier
Phasing SSB exciter
500mW HF linear amplifier
Generic VHF power amplifier
10.7MHz FM detector
RTTY terminal unit
CMOS RF PLL sythesizer
3W FM Transmitter
Crystal radio
Op-Amp Radio
Car radio tunes the Amateur Bands
Crystal set that requires no antenna
80m Direct Conversion Receiver
A compact L-match ATU for portable use
Morse Adaptor for your VHF/UHF FM rig
An end-fed antenna, L-match coupler and resistive bridge for HF
AM Broadcast Band Regenerative Receiver
50 MHz to 146 MHz Converter
Hear Amateurs on your Shortwave Radio!
Compact 20 14 MHz direct conversion receiver
Hear Amateurs on your FM Radio!
RF actuated CW monitor
LF to HF Converter
Super 80 ultra-simple SSB receiver for 3.5 MHz
Class B series modulator
L-Band PHEMT LNA for GPS, Inmarsat etc
Advanced VHF power meter
The MRX-40 Mini Receiver
23cm Data Transceiver
External antenna for the GPS-38, Magellan 2000, or Eagle Explorer GPS receivers
AM Broadcast Band Active Antenna
Active antenna with gain
Ham Band VFO
HF Signal generator
Simple AM Radio Receiver & Amplifier
Bug detector
175KHz inductive pulse receiver (PDF)
200-400 MHz voltage controlled oscillator
AM/FM/SW active antenna
RF Sniffer <.5 to >500 MHz
Demodulator Schematic/Design
AM BCB radio receiver
Regenerative shortwave receiver
7MHz SSB Transceiver
DSBSC (Double Side Band Supressed Carrier)
Frequency Synthesizer
Digital Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
Four Channel Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
Talking receiver
PLL synthesizing oscillator (1)
PLL synthesizing oscillator (2)
PLL synthesizing oscillator (3)
2N2222 40 Meter CW/DSB Transceiver
Yaesu FT-736R doppler compensation
Phased lock loop schematic
30M PSK31 Transceiver
SOP receiver (PDF)
SOP direct conversion receiver
30m direct conversion receiver
Popcorn direct conversion receiver
40m direct conversion receiver
80m direct conversion receiver
Huge LED Antenna Direction Display (part 1)
Huge LED Antenna Direction Display (part 2)
136 kHz direct conversion receiver
One Watt 2.45 GHz Linear Amplifier
222 MHz Transverter
VFO from 2001 ARRL Handbook, page 17.74
VFO from 2001 ARRL Handbook, page 14.20
Assorted RF circuits
14MHz SSB 10mW Transceiver
Building a Simple LF Exciter
Yaesu band decoder schematic
23cm Wide-Band FM data transceiver for high-speed packet-radio
VLF radio receiver schematic
5 watt, 80 meter QRP CW Transceiver
How to Build a 300MHz AM, RF Remote Control System
RF Modem Robotics Project
PLL FM transmitter
ICOM CI-V interface with RS232 RTS to PTT
Improved FM Stereo Modulator
Smooth Tone Clickless CW Sidetone Generator
Variety of receiver converter projects
One transistor FM receiver
42 Mc Band to 88 Mc Band (retrofit converter) Project
Crystal radio circuits including diode performance comparison
50MHz Assistant (Preamp & Power Amp.)
Bug detector
Basic RF oscillator
Radio Control Electric Switch
56K RF Modem
80M ARDF direction finder
Test Equipment
Audible continuity tester
Wire tracer
Signal generator for signal tracer
Electronic level
Digital volt meter
Adjustable continuity tested
Frequency counter
Tri-Waveform Generator
220V live wire-in-wall scanner
Owens Bridge Inductance Measurement Device
ESR Meter
Line Output / Flyback transformer tester
PC-Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSOA)
PC Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope Mk3
Simple 6-Digit 40MHz Frequency Counter Module
Automatic stud detector
Capacitance meter
Capacitance meter
AC Line Current Detector
Triangle and Squarewave Generator
Signal tracer / injector
Voltage probe
Live line detector
Grid dip meter
PCB VSWR bridge
Electric field & leakage detector
Simple polarity detector
RCM710 Electronic Scale
3 - 12 MHz Signal Generator
Some simple test equipment to build
RF Power Meter for the QRPer
Dip Oscillator for HF
Two Tone Audio Oscillator (use for SSB tests)
Simple pH meter
Temperature compensated pH meter
pH meter with calibration
Four Channel Oscilloscope Adapter
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Digital Pressure Gauge
Remote Field Strength Meter
Digital frequency counter
Function generator
High / Low indicator
AC/DC LED Indicator
Micro ohm meter
Micro volt probe
MOSFET tester
Power factor meter
Ramp generator
LASER/LED light output intensity meter (PDF)
Frequency and capacitance meter
Resistor decade box
Simple light sensor adapter for oscilloscope
Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
40MHz frequency counter using Atemel AVR 2312 microcontroller
pH Meter
Multi Wire Cable Tester
Connection tester
EMF field probe
Function generator
Logic probe
Zener diode tester
Mini DDS (direct digital synthesizer)
LCD frequency counter (PIC16F84)
Pulse Reading Logic Probe
Pink Noise Generator for Audio Testing
Audio Millivoltmeter
Audio Test Oscillator
Full Featured Transistor Tester
Opamp Design and Test Board
Microphone Circuit Test Oscillator
Distortion Analyser
Self Oscillating Amplifier for Distortion Testing
120MHz frequency counter
Capacitance meter that connects to multimeter
Transistor tester and signal injector
Continuity tester
Square wave oscillator (555)
Build a Magnetic Field Immunity Tester
555 Timer IC Tester
555 go / no-go tester
12V Lead-Acid Battery Monitor
Continuity tester 2
Continuity tester
Logic probe
4-channel DSO for oscilloscope
Field strength meter for the 137 kHz band
In-circuit electrolytic tester
PIC logic probe with pulser
Timing & Oscillators
Budget timer
Long period timer
555 time delay circuit
Low frequency clock
Countdown timer with relay
DDS using AD9835
1 Second Time Base From Crystal Osc.
Power-On Time Delay Relay Circuit
Low Voltage , High Current Time Delay Circuit
Power-Off Time Delay Relay Circuit
Generating a Delayed Pulse With a dual 555 Timer
1KHz Sinewave generator
Timed beeper
GPS receiver clock circuit
Time Delay Relay
Time Delay Relay
Wide-swing Variable Crystal Oscillator
Circuit that momentarily closes a pair of contacts at long intervals
Onboard Fogger Timer
Colpitts 1 to 20 MHz Crystal Oscillator
Divide By 1-1/2 Circuit
Simple sinewave generator
Two Transistor Sine Wave Oscillator
10 Hz to 10 Khz VCO with Square and Triangle wave
Line powered 60Hz clock generator (PDF)
Micro-power pulse generator (PDF)
Darkroom camera shutter timer
Divide by 1.5 counter (PFD)
High-output square wave generator (PDF)
D Flip-flot one-shot circuits (PDF)
Clock divider
Clock doubler
CMOS oscillator
Crystal 32.768KHz CMOS Oscillator
Crystal oscillator
Cheap 40KHz clock
Stable 40KHz clock
'Rounding Off' a square wave
Switch debounce using 555
Square wave to sine wave converter
Day / Night / 24 Hour Select Sensor
One transistor timer
Variable timer
Micropower pulse generator (PDF)
Square wave oscillator
Triangle wave oscillator
Sawtooth wave oscillator
Sine/Cosine wave oscillator
555 timer
555 oscillator
Stable multivibrator (IC)
Stable multivibrator (Transistor)
Timer based on Microchip PIC16F628
Push Button Switch Debouncer
Square wave oscillator
5 to 30 Minute Timer
NE555 Basic Monostable
Mini DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis)
Astable Multivibrator
High Precision GPS/TV controlled Reference Oscillator
TV based Receiver for a Standard Frequency Generator
AD9852 DDS schematic
A GPS receiver based frequency standard
Monostable multivibrator
Clock generator
555 Timer Tutorial + Circuits
Versatile electronic timer
Li'l 7 AM Transmitter Schematic
Wireless microphone
XTAL locked tone transmitter
AM oscillator for wireless microphones
Wireless microphone
1W CW Transmitter
433MHz transmitter using SAW resonator
A 3m (100 MHz) small bug
Basic FM Transmitter
Micro Power AM Broadcast Transmitter
FM Beacon Transmitter (88-108 MHz)
1 valve CW transmitter
250mW HF CW transmitter
2 valve CW transmitter
Transmitter using LM317
5 Watt HF CW transmitter
Simple FM microphone
FM bug
High power FM bug
27MHz AM/CW transmitter
Easy 2-meter transmitter
QRP HF transmitter
Spark gap transmitter
QRP SSB transmitter
Crystal controlled FM transmitter
150mW FM transmitter
FM transmitter
Two Valve 40m CW Transmitter
Frequency agile 80m CW QRP transmitter
80 metre DSB transmitter
One Valve CW transmitter
Simple Low FER Transmitter
7Mhz AM/CW Amateur Radio Transmitter
VHF FM transmitter
Simple FM transmitter
Wireless microphone
Shortwave radio transmitter
175KHz inductive pulse transmitter (PDF)
7MHz QRP transmitter
Small Radio Transmitter
FM Telephone Transmitter
Tracking transmitter
5W PLL Transmitter
Miniature FM transmitter
Sensitive FM transmitter
Simple RF transmitter
1.5 volt tracking transmitter
Tracking transmitter
Micro Power FM Broadcasting Circuits
Low Power FM Transmitter
RF/SS Handie Hopper Transmitter Schematic
30-Meter QRP Transmitter for Morse Code
Miniature FM Transmitter #1
Miniature FM Transmitter #2
Miniature FM Transmitter #3
Light sensing RF transmitter
Micro-Spy with FETs
Micro-Spy with USW
Micro-Spy with TTL
Electronics Basics
Radio Terminology - learn the basics, learn what's what! get a basic understanding of all the major terms used in ham radio and electronics Basic Electronic Units - learn the basics of those important components Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance Radio Basics - learn the basics at the necessary level to follow the later advanced topics. Begin to understand LC, reactance, impedance, even Q and other important basic concepts. Includes a great Javascript LC calculator written to work out L or C from resonant frequency! Resistor color code - yes the much sought after color code chart. Component Database Server - Visual Identification of components including utilities to identify component part numbers.
5/4 Wave 2 Meter Antenna 70cm Collinear Antenna From Coax Home Brew A 4 To 1 Balun Copper pipe dipole antenna construction for 2 Meters Diamond F23 Antenna Defect - Guy Anchors J-pole Antenna Lightning - Porcupine Static Discharger Portable wire antenna Rotator Brake Delay and Protection Circuit Rotator Connector Replacement Tower Tips from N1LO Coax - Some common coaxial cable data Multiband Cubical Quad Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours 80/40m Vertical Cushcraft R5/R7 Maintenance and Repair Antennae for the Low Bands, 80 and 160m A Ball hitch Mobile mount Crank-up Tilt-over Tower Remote Antenna Switching Automatic Band Decoders Troubleshooting Traps Automatic or Manual Band Decoder for 6 to 160 Meters
The WINDOM - My Favorite Multi-Band Antenna A six-band, HF Windom antenna NVIS: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave The COPPER CACTUS Antenna Super Linear-Loaded Inverted V The Stacked J-Pole
Quickie Vertical 2 Meter Halo 2 Meter PVC Colinear Field Day Emergency 2 Meter Half Wave Colinear 5/8th Wave Stacked J-Pole 2 Meter Half Wave J-Pole Pocket J-Pole Antenna for 2 Meters HF Antenna Designs
HF Mobile Antenna Magnetic Loop Antenna - Mag-Loop, Small Transmitting Loop Duplexer (Diplexer) 2m / 70cm Duplexer (Diplexer) HF + 6m / 2m + 70 cm Coax Cable Data Coax Cable Data - (vhf/uhf/shf) Wire Gauge Conversion Table Clear PACTOR - Adapterbox Spider Beam - Tribander yagi for 20/15/10m, made of fiberglass and wire. Multiband Fan Dipole 40 meter Stealth Vertical RF safety calculator Antennas, some rules of thumb for beginners - Every now and then beginners, afraid of making the wrong choice, ask for antenna suggestions. Passive Antenna Re-radiators - Again in response to some considerable interest I have posted some project ideas for receiving difficulties for you to construct passive antenna re-radiators or "sort" of Q multipliers. Active Receiving Antennas - a discussion on some of the principles and justifications behind the design of active receiving antennas for radio projects. Balun design - an electronic tutorial discussing baluns
Audio Speech Processor Transistor Audio Amplifiers Home Brew A Condenser Mike IC Audio Amplifiers Amplifier design - Part 1 - learn how to design both a.c. amplifiers and r.f. amplifiers Amplifier design - Part 2 - amplifiers using emitter degeneration Amplifier design - Part 3 - amplifiers using emitter degeneration AND feedback Buffer Amplifier design - to buffer low level stages before succeeding amplification Small Signal Amplifier design - to follow the buffered low level stages before power amplification Double Balanced Mixer design - an electronic tutorial on double balanced mixers Designing Bipolar Transistor Audio PreAmps Designing JFET Transistor Audio PreAmps Designing Op Amp IC Audio PreAmps
L.C. Filter design - a comprehensive electronic tutorial for everybody into ham radio or the electronic hobbyist High pass LC filter design - learn how to design high pass LC filters - Part 1 Low pass filter design - the basis of many other filters Band pass filters for many purposes Multi-pole narrow band pass filters I.F. Amplifier filters as designed in the olden days
Power Supplies
Discrete Component Voltage Regulator 12 Volt Gel Cell Charger 10 Amp, 13.8 Volt Power Supply Beef up Voltage Regulators Rechargable CMOS Battery Adjustable Voltage Regulator Battery Charger in an XT power supply box Trickle Charge Circuit for Deep Cycle Batteries PowerPole - The STANDARD 12 volt connector Astron Power Supply Meter Modifications - analog meters replaced with digital panel meters. A Power Supply Dummy Load - Made from brake lamps Power Supply - 1 - a tutorial on the basics of designing simple power supplies for radio projects. Power Supply - 2 - regulation of power supply voltages. Power Supply - 3 - designing with solid state regulators as well as using higher current regulators. Power Supply - 4 - a bench variable voltage power supply project for you to construct at home. Switching Regulator Basics Using Transistors As Switches
RDF2 - 2 Element Sniffer Beam with Tape Measure Elements Tape Measure 3 Element Yagi - RDF Optimized Beam VK3ZPF PROJECTS INDEX 2m Quad Construction Instructions Tape Measure 3 Element Yagi - RDF Optimized Beam RDF2 - 2 Element Sniffer Beam with Tape Measure Elements Passive Attenuator - easy for beginners Active Attenuator - Slightly more complex than the passive attenuator. 555 Time-Difference-Of-Arrival RDF UNIT - Minimum T.D.O.A. Circuit. SIMPLE Time-Difference-Of-Arrival RDF UNIT - A center scale meter shows which way to transmitter. The FOX TIMER - travel alarm used to control 250 milliwatt transmitter. FOXBOX Transmitter Controller THE FOX - two transistor 40 milliwatt fox transmitter THE FOX-750 - three transistor 750 milliwatt fox transmitter Radio Direction Finding Projects
100Khz Crystal Calibrator Simple Electronic S-Meter Variable Bandwidth CW Filter Radio Receivers - the fundamentals of radio receivers A.M. Radio design - the basics of a.m. radio design Part 1 A.M. Radio design - the basics of a.m. radio design Part 2 F.M. Radio design - the basics of f.m radio design Part 1 F.M. Radio design - the basics of f.m radio design Part 2 A basic old time crystal radio set - basic crystal radio set but includes a lot of design information A reflex radio receiver circuit - out of fashion now but here are the principles, design information and schematics Radio Telescope - In response to some considerable interest I have posted a project for you to construct a 30 Mhz radio telescope. Use LEDs to Replace Bulbs for LCD Backlight Multimode Interface Info
Basic VOX Circuit PL Tone Encoder Board Improved PL Tone Encoder 40 Meter, 5 Watt QRP Transmitter 80 Meter, 5 Watt CW Transceiver CW Tone Keyer Easy Morse Code Keyer Easy FM Keyer Simple Electronic Keyer Thermal Fan Controller GE Mastr II Mods Design of RF Oscillators - a discussion on some of the principles and justifications behind the RF design and construction of radio frequency oscillators Design of Voltage Controlled Oscillators - a discussion on some of the principles and justifications behind the design of voltage controlled oscillators or VCO's. Design of Crystal Oscillators - a discussion on some of the principles behind the design of crystal oscillators or VXCO's.
Test Equipment
Field Strength Meter Bird 43 Wattmeter - pages from the manual LC Meter Project and Kit - Now you can easily build a quality inductance and capacitance meter (LC meter project). Ideal for any serious constructor - designed by Neil Hecht of AADE. Square Wave Signal Generator - Build a basic first class electronic hobbyist test instrument - ideal for trouble shooting. Includes a how to use guide. Excellent beginner project to start your collection of amateur-radio-equipment.
Links to More Projects