

arirangled 2006. 2. 19. 13:43

올해에도 어김없이 화분에는 동백꽃이 피었다.지난해에는 많은 송이들이 피었는데 올해에는 단 한송이 뿐이다.그래선지 유난히도 색이 짙다.키는 그리 크지 않지만 어느새 삼년이 넘어선지 꽤나 실하게 컸다. 정성을 들여 돌보면 오히려 시들시들하다.오래도록 기억하고 싶어 오늘 사진을 찍었다.



A camellia certainly bloomed to a flowerpot in this year, and much Hanabusa bloomed in last year, but I did not grow big because a color was particularly dark whether but it was only Hanabusa of one in this year, and it was it and could be available, but I was big and if I could enter and took care, I stood at the age of at straw mat time and did true heart, and substantiality could want to considerably think for a long time after three years went all too soon and took a photograph today



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